VirtualWorks Brings ViaWorks Universal Search Capabilities to Alfresco One …

Related: Press Release, News VirtualWorks Group, an Alfresco Technology Partner, today announced at the AIIM 2014 Conference the certification and immediate availability of the ViaWorks Connector for the Alfresco One Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system and its integration into the Alfresco Share interface. ViaWorks allows companies to easily search and The…

Posted on: April 7, 2014 8:00 am

Pervasive Video Collaboration Benchmark Report

Video conferencing is rapidly moving out of the conference room and onto the desktop, smartphone, and tablet. Thanks to inclusion of video as a core UC component, enterprise technology leaders are increasingly deploying video to individuals as part of their unified communications initiatives, while integrating personal video into room systems,…

Posted on: April 7, 2014 8:00 am

How Philanthropists And Investors Can Work Together To Create Social Change

Scaling up innovation is rarely as simple as investing in a company. The best social innovations aren’t companies rather they are social movements, coalitions co-created by businesses, social sector organisations and governments working together. But how do you fund and scale up a movement? The remarkable story of Aravind Eye…

Posted on: April 7, 2014 8:00 am

Huawei o trendach w technologii wideo

Ewolucja technologii, innowacyjnosc roznorodnych aplikacji oraz coraz wieksza popularnosc kanalu komunikacyjnego wideo daje wideokonferencji odnowiona witalnosc. Istnieja trzy kierunki rozwoju technologii wideokonferencyjnych: realistyczne doswiadczenia, powszechne stosowanie, oraz specjalistyczne aplikacje. Jedynie firmy, ktore sa na biezaco z tymi trendami i szukaja lepszego zrozumienia na stale zmieniajace sie potrzeby klientow beda w…

Posted on: April 7, 2014 8:00 am

Pervasive Video Collaboration Benchmark Report

Video conferencing is rapidly moving out of the conference room and onto the desktop, smartphone, and tablet. Thanks to inclusion of video as a core UC component, enterprise technology leaders are increasingly deploying video to individuals as part of their unified communications initiatives, while integrating personal video into room systems,…

Posted on: April 7, 2014 8:00 am

Huawei o trendach w technologii wideo

Ewolucja technologii, innowacyjnosc roznorodnych aplikacji oraz coraz wieksza popularnosc kanalu komunikacyjnego wideo daje wideokonferencji odnowiona witalnosc. Istnieja trzy kierunki rozwoju technologii wideokonferencyjnych: realistyczne doswiadczenia, powszechne stosowanie, oraz specjalistyczne aplikacje. Jedynie firmy, ktore sa na biezaco z tymi trendami i szukaja lepszego zrozumienia na stale zmieniajace sie potrzeby klientow beda w…

Posted on: April 7, 2014 8:00 am

Pervasive Video Collaboration Benchmark Report

Video conferencing is rapidly moving out of the conference room and onto the desktop, smartphone, and tablet. Thanks to inclusion of video as a core UC component, enterprise technology leaders are increasingly deploying video to individuals as part of their unified communications initiatives, while integrating personal video into room systems,…

Posted on: April 7, 2014 8:00 am

Migrating Lotus Notes to Exchange 2013 finds an effective way out

Details WhaTech Channel: Software Published: Thursday, 03 April 2014 22:45 Submitted by robert nichol WhaTech Pro Trial Read: 148 times Lotus Notes users have inclination for Exchange 2013 and thus they want to migrate data stored in NSF files into Exchange so that unlimited features can be enjoyed. For migrating Lotus Notes to Exchange – Gothenburg,…

Posted on: April 6, 2014 6:00 pm


Uchebnyj centr "KUDIC" podpisal soglashenie o sotrudnichestve s SmartLevel, centrom obuchenija kompanii IBS Platformix. Soglasno dostignutoj dogovorennosti kompanii budut osuschestvljat sovmestnuju dejatelnost v oblasti podgotovki IT-specialistov po programmnym i apparatnym reshenijam IBM. Dannoe soglashenie pozvolit kompanii SmartLevel rasshirit vozmozhnosti po podgotovke specialistov zakazchikov po produktam IBM. Uchebnye programmy vkljuchajut v…

Posted on: April 6, 2014 6:00 pm

Report: IBM Named Market Share Leader in Application Infrastructure and …

ARMONK, N.Y., April 1, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that based on Gartner’s definition of the application infrastructure and middleware market, IBM has once again been named the worldwide market share leader, marking 13 consecutive years of sustained leadership. The rankings are based on total worldwide revenue According to…

Posted on: April 6, 2014 6:00 pm