IF ALL goes smoothly, the Finance Bill 2014 will achieve Royal Assent in July, introducing measures that have the potential to create a significant source of new investment for Scotland’s social enterprises. Under the new legislation outlined in last month’s Budget, individuals who choose to invest in social enterprises from this…
Details WhaTech Channel: Software Published: Thursday, 03 April 2014 22:45 Submitted by robert nichol WhaTech Pro Trial Read: 225 times Lotus Notes users have inclination for Exchange 2013 and thus they want to migrate data stored in NSF files into Exchange so that unlimited features can be enjoyed. For migrating Lotus Notes to Exchange – Gothenburg,…
ARMONK, N.Y., April 1, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that based on Gartner’s definition of the application infrastructure and middleware market, IBM has once again been named the worldwide market share leader, marking 13 consecutive years of sustained leadership. The rankings are based on total worldwide revenue According to…
capSpire, a global commodity consulting and solutions company, has appointed Brett Henderson as the firm’s new Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Practice Director. Henderson’s primary role will be to steer the production and delivery of capSpire’s ECM services through OpenText Content Suite and Microsoft SharePoint. The appointment demonstrates capSpire’s steadfast commitment…
ARMONK, N.Y., April 1, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that based on Gartner’s definition of the application infrastructure and middleware market, IBM has once again been named the worldwide market share leader, marking 13 consecutive years of sustained leadership. The rankings are based on total worldwide revenue According to…
ARMONK, N.Y., April 1, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that based on Gartner’s definition of the application infrastructure and middleware market, IBM has once again been named the worldwide market share leader, marking 13 consecutive years of sustained leadership. The rankings are based on total worldwide revenue According to…
Uchebnyj centr "KUDIC" podpisal soglashenie o sotrudnichestve s SmartLevel, centrom obuchenija kompanii IBS Platformix. Soglasno dostignutoj dogovorennosti kompanii budut osuschestvljat sovmestnuju dejatelnost v oblasti podgotovki IT-specialistov po programmnym i apparatnym reshenijam IBM. Dannoe soglashenie pozvolit kompanii SmartLevel rasshirit vozmozhnosti po podgotovke specialistov zakazchikov po produktam IBM. Uchebnye programmy vkljuchajut v…
Scaling up innovation is rarely as simple as investing in a company. The best social innovations aren’t companies rather they are social movements, coalitions co-created by businesses, social sector organisations and governments working together. But how do you fund and scale up a movement? The remarkable story of Aravind Eye…
Successful business relies on communication. Decades ago, the typing pool was central to a letter and memo-based business communications, and since then email has taken over many of these functions. But a modern small- to medium-sized enterprise (SME) needs a wider array of integrated communications methods to compete successfully. Whilst…
Scaling up innovation is rarely as simple as investing in a company. The best social innovations aren’t companies rather they are social movements, coalitions co-created by businesses, social sector organisations and governments working together. But how do you fund and scale up a movement? The remarkable story of Aravind Eye…