INDATEL, a cooperative middle mile provider, and unified communications (UC) operator ANPI have developed a strategic alliance to find ways to better extend next-gen services to rural areas that have been left largely underserved by larger service providers. Both entities will bring their respective strengths to the table. ANPI will…
Details WhaTech Channel: Software Published: Thursday, 03 April 2014 22:45 Submitted by robert nichol WhaTech Pro Trial Read: 275 times Lotus Notes users have inclination for Exchange 2013 and thus they want to migrate data stored in NSF files into Exchange so that unlimited features can be enjoyed. For migrating Lotus Notes to Exchange – Gothenburg,…
GSX Solutions has announced that GO-IT will be the exclusive distributor for its products in Australia. GSX chief executive officer, Antoine Leboyer, said the company was pleased to support Go-IT as its Australian partner. "They provide a key service for customers who wish to ensure smooth operation of their mission-critical…
INDATEL, a cooperative middle mile provider, and unified communications (UC) operator ANPI have developed a strategic alliance to find ways to better extend next-gen services to rural areas that have been left largely underserved by larger service providers. Both entities will bring their respective strengths to the table. ANPI will…
Ewolucja technologii, innowacyjnosc roznorodnych aplikacji oraz coraz wieksza popularnosc kanalu komunikacyjnego wideo daje wideokonferencji odnowiona witalnosc. Istnieja trzy kierunki rozwoju technologii wideokonferencyjnych: realistyczne doswiadczenia, powszechne stosowanie, oraz specjalistyczne aplikacje. Jedynie firmy, ktore sa na biezaco z tymi trendami i szukaja lepszego zrozumienia na stale zmieniajace sie potrzeby klientow beda w…
Uchebnyj centr "KUDIC" podpisal soglashenie o sotrudnichestve s SmartLevel, centrom obuchenija kompanii IBS Platformix. Soglasno dostignutoj dogovorennosti kompanii budut osuschestvljat sovmestnuju dejatelnost v oblasti podgotovki IT-specialistov po programmnym i apparatnym reshenijam IBM. Dannoe soglashenie pozvolit kompanii SmartLevel rasshirit vozmozhnosti po podgotovke specialistov zakazchikov po produktam IBM. Uchebnye programmy vkljuchajut v…
GSX Solutions has announced that GO-IT will be the exclusive distributor for its products in Australia. GSX chief executive officer, Antoine Leboyer, said the company was pleased to support Go-IT as its Australian partner. "They provide a key service for customers who wish to ensure smooth operation of their mission-critical…
IF ALL goes smoothly, the Finance Bill 2014 will achieve Royal Assent in July, introducing measures that have the potential to create a significant source of new investment for Scotland’s social enterprises. Under the new legislation outlined in last month’s Budget, individuals who choose to invest in social enterprises from this…
IF ALL goes smoothly, the Finance Bill 2014 will achieve Royal Assent in July, introducing measures that have the potential to create a significant source of new investment for Scotland’s social enterprises. Under the new legislation outlined in last month’s Budget, individuals who choose to invest in social enterprises from this…
GSX Solutions has announced that GO-IT will be the exclusive distributor for its products in Australia. GSX chief executive officer, Antoine Leboyer, said the company was pleased to support Go-IT as its Australian partner. "They provide a key service for customers who wish to ensure smooth operation of their mission-critical…