WASHINGTON Evolving with the industry it informs, leading digital publisher SmartBrief, Inc. this week announced the relaunch of its SmartBrief on Social Media, to now be known as SmartBrief on Social Business. The relaunched e-brief will focus on the impact social business activity has on revenue generation by covering the…
HERNDON, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–PingTone Communications, Washington D.C.’s leading provider of fully hosted VoIP and unified communications services for businesses, today announced the release of their latest enterprise communications offering, PingTone Communicator/UC One. One of the biggest issues for businesses today is attempting to manage multiple…
Orange Business Services is implementing the communications infrastructure underpinning a cloud-based ERP platform as part of a project to develop IT standards for the shipping industry Orange Business Services on Thursday joined a European Union-sponsored initiative based in Germany focused on developing IT standards underpinning ship management tools for the…
ZAO"ArmenTel" (torgovaja marka Beeline) nachinaet predostavlenie uslugiBlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 (BES 10) dlja korporativnyx klientov. Ob ehtomgovoritsja v soobschenii press-sluzhbe kompanii, usluga pozvoljaet so smartfonapoluchit dostup k biznes informacii, rabotat s korporativnoj ehlektronnojpochtoj i vnutrennimi korporativnymi prilozhenijami, pri ehtom, servis BES 10obespechivaet polnuju konfidencialnost peredachi dannyx. Osnovnym otlichiem BES 10 ot "BlackBerry…
zuDominolSymantec Enterprise Vault Lotus DominoEnterprise Vault byuEnterprise Vault yjSymantec Enterprise Vault Enterprise Vault z’Lt’ Symantec Enterprise Vault uEnterprise Vault Discovery Accelerator ueLe Boolean y 3,100 yeSymantec Enterprise Vaultg
Brigitte Murphy, born and educated in Waterford, worked within start-ups in London and Ireland. She holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from UCD and guest lecturer on Entrepreneurship. She believes that business can be for everyone! Brigitte is author of ‘Peel Your Own Orange’, a book encouraging people to…
L’editeur de la solution Open Source de messagerie collaborative eponyme a signe un accord de partenariat avec Savoir-faire Linux, chef de file de l’industrie quebecoise du logiciel libre, portant sur la distribution de BlueMind 3.0 au Canada. Savoir-Faire Linux rejoint ainsi la liste tant convoitee des partenaires etrangers de BlueMind " BlueMind…
Two top Chinese internet companies, Alibaba and Tencent (the WeChat guys) announced the introduction of these yesterday. The cards can be used offline as well as online. Both companies are teaming up with a China CITIC Bank, one of China’s largest banks. It doesn’t sound ground-breaking looking at it from…
L’operation valorise 250 millions de dollars le site de petites annonces, leader en Inde. Le fonds suedois Kinnevik entre a son capital. Le leader indien des petites annonces en ligne annonce avoir leve 90 millions de dollars. Mene par le fonds suedois Kinnevik, ce tour de table porte a 136 millions Bien entendu,…
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. & GALWAY, Ireland–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Altocloud, a new technology company with a mission of improving customer engagement and contact center experiences, today announced its formation and that senior Cisco communications executive Barry O’Sullivan has joined as co-founder and CEO. Altocloud is creating a cloud-based contextual communications platform…