<p>Details WhaTech Channel: Software Published: Thursday, 03 April 2014 22:45 Submitted by robert nichol WhaTech Pro Trial Read: 235 times</p><p>Lotus Notes users have inclination for Exchange 2013 and thus they want to migrate data stored in NSF files into Exchange so that unlimited features can be enjoyed. For migrating Lotus Notes to Exchange 2013, Mail Migration Wizard can be used.</p><p>- Renew membership to remove advertising -</p><p>Gothenburg, Sweden, April 03, 2014 - Organizations expressing their desire to use Exchange 2013 in their premises finds the right way to switch from Lotus Notes environment easily with Mail Migration Wizard software application. These days, Exchange 2013 is a topic of discussion amongst administrators because of its wonderful features. To possess all the Exchange features, Lotus Notes users wanted to switch data immediately into Exchange platform and thus external online utilities have becoming top most sources for fulfilling this requirement.</p><p><a href="http://www.whatech.com/members-news/software/19453-migrating-lotus-notes-to-exchange-2013-finds-its-effective-way-out">Keep reading...</a></p>